Professorships at the Academy of Zurich for applied science.
Sept. 2010"cosmicball" in the photo strip. The photographer Primo Martinelli portrays figures from district 3.
Sept. 2009Model draft for the columbarium Ilmenau with urns out of the URNE.CH "cosmicball collection"
Jul. 2009The "cosmicball collection" by URNE.CH is nominated at the international Funeralaward 2008.
Jul. 2008Star-Designer Karim Rashid from NY paid a visit
Jul. 2007URNE.CH invited to Trendboulevard Zurich.
Jul. 2007The special, hand-selected link collection...
Jan. 2007The exhibition prensents about fifty contemporary funeral and graveyard culture objects of notable designers from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Jul. 2006"dernier cri - designer gestalten den Abschied"
Jul. 2006"Gestaltung zwischen Ewigkeit und Vergänglichkeit"
Jul. 2006in German television SWR 10.11.05
Jul. 2005"cosmicball" built the virtual Bundesplatz...
Jul. 2004"...die können Ihren Abgang am stilsichersten organisieren."
Jun. 2004with ball of love guest at the talkshow Aeschbacher
anniversary - 100. episode
Number of publications, appearances in press and TV. First exhibition and media presence in Berlin
Jul. 2000about the new urn creations by URNE.CH on television SF DRS and Radio DRS3 as well as many different media publications.
Jul. 1999The pseudonym "cosmicball" stands for creation, conception and appearance of the collection by URNE.CH
Jul. 1998By "cosmicball" for URNE.CH under the pseudonym mass-massenware
1996Under the pseudonym mass-massenware
Winner of a Swiss youth competition called "Ideen und Design für die Schweiz von morgen" Sumbmitted work: Futuristisches Verkehrsleitkonzept und Design für ein dreirdriges earth shuttle-mobil. Judged by a professional jury of about 30 characters. 1. theme position Solothurn / 2. position in the final evaluation of Switzerland.
Jul. 1987Topic: "Helm der Zukunft" / Assessed by a professional jury (Prof. Dr. Th. Raabe - University of Hannover / M. Ninic: Developement & Design Audi AG / G. Scholz: Marketing Director uvex / M. Wimmer: Professional race driver...) Criteria: Styling, Technique, Design. 2. Place in the final evaluation out of over 700 works.
Jul. 198675 Jahre Aluminium AG
Jul. 1980